
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Flowers in My Yard

As I was getting ready for work this morning I noticed these pretty
white and pink flowers.

The Star Mum - I love this silly looking flower.

I also noticed that my bulbs have started coming up.
Look at those babies grow and multiply! 
There's about to be a lot of Dutch Iris flowers.

And there are still some roses blooming.

The Hibiscus 

Marzipan photo bomb this one.

I did some quilting last night - we shall NOT talk about that since I had to rip it all out.  

Happy Stitching,
Nicey Linda


  1. What?!? Are you my twin? Ripping stuff out...hmmm...
    I love your flowers! Is it still warm down there? We are finally starting fires in the woodstove. The room mate built a big fire and set the stove to burn slow all night. It was about 71 degrees in my house this morning. Not my bedroom though. I keep my bathroom door and window open. I can't breath when it's too hot.

  2. I feel your pain. I have ripped out more on my current quilt than all others combined. But it's going to be worth it in the end! Are your flowers confused? I know it doesn't get cold there, but don't you at least get a little bit of fall?

  3. are you sure it's fall? :-) That spider mum is sure a funny one! :-) Have you guys gotten much rain down there? We've gotten quite a bit in the last 6 weeks or so. It's been good! And I've tried to grow Iris' but the snails love them to death: literally!! no more Iris's in my yard!! Your flowers are gorgeous. My roses are pretty much done: I think 1 left on the bushes! :-) Have a wonderful week!! Hugs, H

  4. 'Tis no fun ripping out stitches...I don't envy you! Lovely photos. I love those Star Mums. What a gorgeous shape they are. I don't believe that your bulbs are already out....that is very soon isn't it??
