
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Working Wednesday

I've been busy working on my wall hanging.  I've so enjoyed quilting it. I'm even considering entering it in our fair, which is right around the corner.  I have my application all filled out. 

Now that I have it all bound and pretty much ready to go - I looked up how to hang a quilt.  The Crafty Quilter has a great method using a yard stick. After seeing her post, I'm realizing that maybe I was supposed to put the hanging sleeve on before the binding.  Well, shoot!  We wouldn't want to do things the right way - would we? 
I hope to have a picture of the finish quilt tomorrow.  I'm thinking of putting two bows on it using this seersucker fabric.  Is that fabric a no-no in the quilting world?  I used this to bind the quilt too.  The color is just perfect.

I have no delusions of winning any prizes - that's not why I want to enter.  I just thought it would be fun to share.  I didn't even realize there were prizes until I got the entry form.
Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

FNSI Results

Happy Times for me.

 My lovely Babylock machine is back at home.
 I do love this machine - it sews like a dream and so quietly.
My husband is such a dear – he found the place to have it fixed. He called, delivered and picked it up. I had it back the next day.  Don’t you love that kind of quick turn around.   

Then I had problems with my computer. It would not let me onto blogger!  It's been days! Finally today I deleted everything (cookies, places, passwords) and now I can post.

On Friday night (FNSI) I worked on my quilting.  I was a bit worried I would forget how to do the swirls.  But it's like riding a bike.  And just as fun. Here is what I completed Friday night.
 Is that the worst picture or what? 
Oh I forgot to tell you, I did some bedazzeling on it.
 Do you see how puffy it is in the center?  I was so worried about that. When I asked my quilty friends they just said "Eh".  (Like what's that suppose to mean? Don't worry about it?)
Well it just quilted up smooth as cream; no creases or folds.
 Do I need to say I'm just so pleased with this.  Honestly, I had no idea I could even do this.  Now to cut and attach the binding.
Happy Stitching,

Monday, July 14, 2014

July Goals, Hopes & Dreams

I haven't made a list of goals in the longest time.

I wanted to get away from the pressure of "having" to sew. But I'm thinking I would like to this month/quarter.

So - here's my list.

Finish my table topper.

Then which ever of the following jumps up and says Sew me! Sew me! the loudest will get my attention.

This one just needs to be quilted.

 Complete the border for this one.

Get this one together - needs blocks and a setting.
Can we say Let's Get Busy?
Linking up to The Little Thistle - Finish Along 3rd Quarter

Friday, July 11, 2014

So what's a girl to do when her machine is down?

Dress like a cow and go to Chick-Fil-A!
Utterly Adorable!
I met my grandkids there - The news showed up and interviewed them.
15 minutes of Fame and at such an early age!
Troy (age 4) telling the cameraman all about being a cow.
If you have a Chick-Fil-A near you, today (Friday, July 11th) is Dress Like a Cow Day. You'll get a free sandwich or free meal.  
We were the first to get there and place quickly filled up with lots of little  cows!  So fun!
Happy Stitching and Mooing,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Happily Quilting my Swirls when...

I was having a blast quilting my wallhanging
when it happened.
Well I knew this day would come.  Really, I knew it but hoped it wouldn't.
My lovely Babylock Machine is at the repair shop.
These computerized machines are not like those old er ... vintage metal ones - there's more to go wrong with these.  All those bells and doodads, which I admit I just love.  My connector from the foot pedal to the machine broke.  So - not the worse thing in the world.  I can still run it from the buttons on the machine but doing free motion quilting (which requires two hands) and having to use a hand to start, stop and adjust the speed is pretty darn tricky. 
So off the the repair shop it went today.  I should be getting it back tomorrow - so how can I complain. Right?
Wrong!  Wah Wah Wah!!  I want to quilt on my wallhanging.
I think my quilting swirls look a little childish. However, I feel very confident that I'll improve over time.  So in the meanwhile, I'm going to just love my work. 
Happy Stitching,
Linda - who will be reading! LOL

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A someday quilt - turning into a NOW quilt

I would really like to give credit where credit is due.  When I first started reading blogs I found "Don't Look Now" by Kellie Wulfsohn.  I loved her designs but they fell into the "maybe someday" I'll make one of these quilts.
Eventho I haven't wanted to sew I still have been attending my Sewful Sister's Group.
They all got together and decided we should each make ourselves a 22in Applique table topper.  I was looking in a old quilting magazine and found Kellie's design. 
Everything fell in place - I had the pattern (which I enlarged a bit), I had the fabric and I had a Desire! Something that's been missing for months.

I just love when things all come together like that!
Now that I've completed the top.  It's time to think about quilting it. 
(I have a lot of fun in store for me!)

Happy Stitching,