My First Goal for April is to have Fun!
April is my Birthday Month so it's my favorite.
I bet you would rather hear about the Giveaway first - Right?

Jennifer Chiaverini's book The Giving Quilt is now in paperback
and to celebrate she is sponsoring this giveaway..
I have two books to giveaway and some pins - I think it would be nice if one of these books went to one of my followers. You know the drill - just leave a comment.
(If you would like to be a follower - it's easy with the Bloglovin Button.)
In "The Giving Quilt" the characters come together for a week of quilting for charity, Project Linus. I like the way Chiaverini has the characters interact and develop; finding solutions to their problems. I do find the book very entertaining and I highly recommend this book. It is a lovely "sit by the fire and enjoy reading" type of book. I did a review here.
Now on to April Goals.
Goal #1. Sew the Second Border on to my Civil War Quilt.
Goal #3. Turn these fabrics in Sulky Threads' BOM #3
Goal #4. Chose and sew up a 6 inch block for Angela's Quilt.
Goal #4. Chose and sew up a 6 inch block for Angela's Quilt.
New Projects I May Start: ( because what's life without new projects? )
A quilt for my soon to be grad - Serena
Texas Teardrop Quilt-along
Happy April Stitching,
Linking up with
Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts
Anything Goes at Stitch by Stitch
Let's Get Acquainted at From Pixels to Patchwork

Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts
Anything Goes at Stitch by Stitch
Let's Get Acquainted at From Pixels to Patchwork