So – here’s what happened yesterday that I really
wanted to share with you.
I hung it on the tree each year and it was so cool remembering Christmases long ago, each time I saw it. Especially when I was overseas or in NC. Well, during one of my moves I packed it in a box with a lot of other decorations and then later decided I didn’t want all those decorations (forgot my ornament was in the box!) and threw it out. Well, took it to Goodwill.
You can imagine my dismay when I realized what I had done. So instead of being upset. I asked God to please give me another one. Well, I’m thinking God’s a pretty big God and can do that if he wants. (Not very likely to happen – but what the hay.) I have been looking for it in antique shops .
Okay – so I go to Home Goods yesterday and walk down the
aisle and see some pretty ornaments.
I tell Mark, oh it’s nice to see
glass ornaments, usually they just have plastic ones. I looked last year
at Michaels and Rite Aid, etc. and couldn’t find any pretty glass ones.
And then I see my ornament I used
to have in a box of 12. (WHAT? Could this really be it?)

And then I see the one that I remember as my sister Cindy’s! (Silent Night) I know for sure these are the ones we had.
And God has given me back the ornament originally made in 1940 (I know that from the box – it’s a retro set) Wow! They were super old when I was a kid!
And the ornaments have little fuzzy white on designs. As I touched it, I remembered how much I love to touching them when I was little. Isn’t that amazing?